Wednesday, September 25, 2019

They Started Growing!

I'm not gonna lie.  I really didn't believe I could make my seeds do anything.  I have read about so many different ways to germinate seeds.  Some of them are as simple as putting seeds in moist paper towel for a few days, and some are extremely complicated.  I chose to use the humidity dome, and when I checked on my plants after 24 hours (on Monday), nothing.  No change.  At all.  I wasn't worried, but I still didn't believe that anything would happen, especially after a message from my seed guy indicated a terribly long list of confusing things he suggested doing to germinate.  After all, they were his seeds, so he would be an expert.  I figured if there was no change by today, I would try his complex way.

But yesterday, I opened the tent to look at them and was SHOCKED to find that 5 of the 8 seeds I started with had tap roots coming off of them.  I was like a little kid at Christmas!

This morning, I decided to check on them again and found that one of the CBD seeds that hadn't started yesterday now has a tap root and both of my OG '18 have tap roots now, so it looks like only one of my CBD seeds is still chugging along trying to pop.  Also, the tap roots from yesterday are bigger now, and there is a leaf on one of the OG '18 plants!  I think one of the Romulan (or both) have some growth as well, but it appears to be happening underneath the tap root, so I can't tell for sure what is happening there. 

I decided that growing a literal weed is really the right kind of plant for me.  I am so impatient and I hate when I can't see results.  But cannabis is a weed, and being able to see changes even weekly will be right up my alley!  I've also received some encouragement from friends who have grown before and so my anxiety about not being able to do it has gone down and I decided to just keep charging ahead and will try to do so without constantly second-guessing myself.

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